Ceesepe, Barcelona by night, 1982
In December 1982, Humanoids associates were the laughingstock of the entire dish junky arty Movida out for an anthology Ceesepe and have called Barcelona by night while Ceesepe east of Madrid, Madrid is the violence - and few cities despise as much as these two cities there.
In December 1982, Humanoids associates made the pride of Madrid junky published before arty for everyone Barcelona by night , the first anthology devoted to Ceesepe, his hero - star illustrator of El Vibora , human talent as a painter but accept that label designer - a diburante. El Mejor de todos Entras. This story
title aside, the Humanos made it big, as if the impressive size of the collection of albums Jealous foot print was invented in the best possible conditions of the drawings that had punching power the paint was completely lost in 1982. There were a few years like that, between 1976 and 1985, where in Europe painters chose the most interesting comics. In
Ceesepe, there is a return to figuration but free, terrified, weird in, proliferating. It must come from its color frosted fawn, its propensity to tragic love, moist mixture of heroin, femmes fatales, flamenco and rock garage. All this crafted with incredible arrogance: watch how he draws his legs, how far the line is tightened at the knees, ankles so twice occupy less space than the thigh it is supposed to bear. Not to mention vulvas girls when they make love, which happens often in the drawings of this aesthetic which tells more or less, that sad story of a prostitute and reseller powder, lovers of night trying to escape a violent mac, to a sibling group of gypsies, or a destiny without vanishing point.
As Willem says in his preface to Barcelona by night " It was he who introduced the Elegance in Dégueulasserie. Drunkards, rapists, victims with sub-bellies bloody, drug addicts, murderers, everyone seems to be dancing a ballet strange. "
can try thousands of formulas, combine all the words, but if it meant the hieratic modeling of Ceesepe characters, fake its prospects, its futurism, primitivism of its color, how to resume Chagall by projecting on the sidewalk of the Movida, we never find better than this as a play on the piano Pascal Comelade (which Ceesepe asked to do the cover of El Primitivismo , 1987): "BOLERO CUBIST.
PS: Can not talk without going through Ceesepe his lifelong friendship with Alberto Garcia Alix. The story of their beginnings in this joint is then book. But who knew that Garcia-Alix and had co-signed Ceesepe short films naive and beautiful? Art broke up his innocence is there in this beautiful El dia muera that Bombita (1983)-are also looking Amor apache , a little worse, but we cross Alaska and two three funny ideas stitched to Almodovar of Pepi, Luci, Bom ... - whose poster and credits were also signed Ceesepe.
Above all, history does not die stupid, you do not miss it for the world this rare, and super funny interview Ceesepe (preceded by a presentation of his best drawings) given 83 to the hallucinatory Paloma Chamorro, in which the program will remain as rock's most, um, stunning the entire Western television La Edad de Oro (Grand Chessboard movidien so that between 83 and 85 invited into their studios Madrid Gun Club, Johnny Thunders, Alan Vega Birthday Party, The Smiths, Violent Femmes, Cabaret Voltaire, etc. ...)
Ceesepe, Barcelona by night, The Humanoids, Paris, 1982
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