Friday, December 31, 2010

Wedding Sample Vote Of Thanks

Fragments 1943-1962 S. Burroughs, Blade Runner (a movie), 1979

The best way to expedite the corpse of 2010, it will still speak to you, with a breakthrough ahead of the first great book of 2011. A book in which obsessively returns to the word ... "Alligator." A rare book, written in 1979. A short novel by William Burroughs envisioned as a screenplay. His vision of what will be New York in 2014: A city under water, delivered to alligators and dealos, epidemics of smallpox, leprosy and cancer. The paranoia of some coming knocking on the door of the panic of others. Proliferation, everywhere. Its title alone is a dream: Blade Runner (a movie) . Ridley Scott will sting him for his film from 1983, adapted from another big paranoid Philip K. Dick. This expression of Blade Runner, Burroughs had himself borrowed, and with it some situations, an author of science fiction needy but honest, Alan E. Nourse. This novel SF Station 1974 signed Nourse, The Bladerunner , Burroughs was sampled, repeated, exaggerated, rewritten (cut-up, it will be seen more clearly on reading this book, never contamination was a technical writing by writing). He has injected some viral systems of choice, these bacilli are rotten juice language, the sharper and is yellowish. Say 33.
It has marked on the images of disaster, queers doors slide and doctors illegal, all sense of disorder of a civilization photographed in full collapse. There are mainly injected throughout his ruthless sense of humor. There is nothing that does more fear than laughter Burroughs. It strikes everywhere, constantly. It causes all sorts of exaggeration. It has something contaminated. I still do not know what a smile have alligators. It

Tristram who publish this text January 6 ... the ones who were baptized in 1992 their only voice cd writers the Alligators smiling. Everything fits. Do not think however that the publicity would the door blade is novel in French ... He had already been published once, in a translation of the great Sylvie Durastanti was inside a book group, handsome, most (but unfortunately exhausted in print), the Anthology Film invisible , edited by Jean-Michel Place, 1995 - we will speak of that one soon, I promise.
Meanwhile, a few leprosy and violence, ending the year in style - or start in the crash.

"Billy in the subway. Flooded tunnels of lower levels have become canals. The bulk of supplies from New York travels here by boat and by steam engines and trolleys to the next level. The stations are now lit by skylights markets reinforced glass. Their stingy light gray blends into the dark ink dark tunnels and canals. Here, light is a valuable resource that should be preserved and protected. A man lights his torch for a moment and shadows resemble all sides. He draws his pistol: "Hands off my light, crevures. "Gangs
sell a diesel electricity generated by smuggling generators subway. The competition is tight and gang warfare is permanent. Lower Manhattan is often without electricity. Dynamo torches are in high demand and sell for $ 200. Billy
through the stalls and futures markets for flowers. A pack of wild dogs tumbling of a dark tunnel. The sonic gun Billy the helpless and they piss on terror. The blade holder outpace the sprint and then stop a gondola. They give an address.
"It's my old hero of fourgueur. Deale it pop, now, what I said. "
carbide lamp on the prow of the gondola. Alligators sliding out of subway stations and sink into the dark water that crack shark fin ... Straight ahead, a light: a flare illuminates a private jetty. The dealer has dug a bunker by shooting down the walls of a number of counters and lavatories.
He shakes his head sadly with a hideous smile Italian ... "If it was the hero, blues and even pop ... but the B-23 ... I work! Barrez you, it would be better. "

William S. Burroughs, The blade holder (Blade Runner, a movie, Blue Wind Press 1979) translated by Bernard Sigaud, Tristram, 2011

Thursday, December 30, 2010

No-cd Morrowind Bloodmoon

Thai Chicken with Basil

This is a traditional Thai recipe called Gay Phad Bai Krapao either:
fried chicken Basil
For 2 persons:
400 g chicken breasts, cut into tablespoon cubes2. tablespoons sunflower oil or peanut oil 3 tablespoons
. tablespoon chopped garlic 3 tablespoons finely
. tablespoons finely chopped shallots 2 small
chillies, green or red
2 tsp. tablespoons fish sauce 2 tablespoons
. Coffee
soy sauce 1 tsp. coffee sugar
a large handful of chopped fresh basil, Thai or ordinary

- Cut the peppers in half lengthwise, remove seeds and cut into small pieces.
- Heat a wok. When very hot, Pour 1 tsp. tablespoons oil. Add chicken and stir constantly over fairly high until chicken is well browned (about 6 minutes).
- Remove chicken from wok and set aside on a plate.
- Heat the wok and add the remaining oil. Add garlic and shallot and stir constantly for 2 to 3 minutes.
- Put the chicken in the wok and add peppers, fish sauce, soy sauce and sugar.
- Stir constantly over high heat until the liquid is reduced (about 3 minutes), the chicken should be coated with caramel sauce and like.

- Add the basil, then Serve with rice or salad.

Recipe Scally's blog it myself to the fact ! "

Wedding Gifts Prefer Cash


"Each of those he took aim at the largely deserved .
On the other hand, it could be funny, tender and mild, most often when least expected. He was a man with some very diverse, often contradictory, and memories that have kept people who approached naturally depends on that of those aspects they have experienced. As someone expressed it: how a man who inspired so much love and loyalty, he could be such a bastard?
is an interesting question. "

Nathaniel Benchley, Life and Death of Humphrey Bogart , Lherminier, 1979

Headaches And Flashes

William Eggleston, Horses and Dogs, 1994

William Eggleston is a dog. When he was asked about his art, in good Southerner he says he takes photographs less than the average human on this earth. He prowls into town, sees something he likes, take it. A picture only. Never both. The capture unique. No board contact for Eggleston - who will pretend that the majority of his photos were exposed (but few people know that the first person to be exposed, in Memphis, was the mother of Alex Chilton. This explains in part why Eggleston made some pockets of Big Star and is found to play piano on the cover of Nature Boy on Third / Sister Lovers ). He says to let go months without feeling the need to take a picture. His famous stormy nature had exhausted hordes of assistants (including one, Tav Falco, eventually prefer to rock). Him, would have us believe he cares, like the rest of it. Manure. Horses &
Dogs is a 1994 book, now rare, published in this incredible collection being at Smithsonian series (books flexible, sold price of a bottle of vodka, but inside they are drawn for a quality insolent). Eggleston has voluntarily chosen to subject themselves to the study that is no more: dogs and horses. Who would buy a book with pictures of dogs? Any arrogance Eggleston is summarized here, because you open the book and it was only a demonstration of total superiority over everything: space, matter, composition, light (obviously, this type of eyes that do not equalize the same way that we, he is a chromatic scale that is most acute).
He does not need to hide behind a screen of cynicism as Martin Parr. Humanism seems quite foreign to him. It is a kind of animal detachment. The space available to him, and he never doubted for a second that he had only to serve. Everything is a story of concentration.

When asked, as in Michel Drucker, why the dogs, he just responds, "They Seem To Be Everywhere." Gary Winnogrand him once confided you could make a good picture on anything. In this case, when taking pictures of dogs, horses, this "anything" is still out what remains of wilderness in a world that would harness all. Eggleston horses in their pens, look elsewhere. They dream of Appalachians. His dogs are divided into two breeds: those who wander are ready to bite. And those who pretend to be at home in this garden. Who knows what they are thinking really, how last revenge?
Physically, William Eggleston lot like William Burroughs. Even brittle elegance. Same nasal voice. The same pride of gentlemen farmers become, by force of circumstance, social parasites, with all that implies contempt assumed - that the last race taking advantage of an era without heroism. The interviewing once (and that's a funny kettle of fish to interview Eggleston: you talk, you furnish, and he condescends occasionally, pick up a sentence. If possible murders), he came to talk about Bob Dylan, with whom he has dragged a time. Finally ... talk ... he just swung as if it was a simple trapping buddy, "Bob is ok. "Oh? Is that all? ... Bob is ok ... William Eggleston is just a fucking asshole.

William Eggleston, Horses and Dogs , Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, 1994.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How To Shrink A North Face Fleece

Une liste (de 2010)

(pix: Mike Brodie)
It was anything but easy ... Turkey most of the doubt: Do we have reason not to make such a list? Bazooka and Karine were enough for Peter away from writing his own book ... Gatitox cornered me, shit. A list DiD 2010, but a list how? The best of the past year, is not unique even what we have always tried to avoid here (by hatred of recorded time and hierarchies)? But if the game is necessary to take stock at some point, which put on? The forgotten ones? Those you already know, because they were once forbidden during the year (Nakahira, Dodge, Lestrade, Ellis, Agee, Bolano, Davidson, Burns), and even before, because if we wanted to show off a little, we recall that 'In 2009 we (Gatitox, mostly) you already spoke of Knockemstiff, London Orbital, The Rest Is Noise, or of Zebulon ...? A 2010 list to say that Don DeLillo is a genius (but super. .. that, just read the names before any thing)? Bomb or a list full of reissues, just to realize that, by pure antibodies, we are bound to (good) distance from the literary season. And therefore, necessarily, certain securities, to see, there this afternoon or at home Gibert Company, had nevertheless, for two or three of them, a small interest - from the moment you leave the bellows media back on his own - but those we do not even mention those of us who do not yet have purchased
... In the end - and on the wire - a list. Willingly incomplete. A photo meaningless.
There was no vote. Been no real standings with scoring. Been no exchange of envelopes stuffed with drug money (hmm damage). Was no ballot stuffing. Just the names of books, as saved in the stack. They will give you maybe want to go to your turn - because that's the idea. Most deserve better than to finish in the rankings: they deserve an entire post, if anything. One can always dream that this list is like the trailer of texts coming in 2011 (I hear laughter in the background: Promises, promises, promises ...). But in truth, she will serve only one thing : Show you that reading each day, while we read nothing, or very little. We're not surlecteurs, we are no better than you, and as such, this list (as proud as it is) has no legitimacy, except, perhaps, of call your own lists in comments.
Meanwhile, here is ours - in utter disorder.

Donald Ray Pollock - Knockemstiff (Buchet Chastel)
Hans Magnus Enzensberger - Hammerstein or intransigence (Gallimard) Takuma Nakahira
- For a language to come (photo) (Osiris)
Rodrigo Fresán - the sky background (threshold) / Mantra (Northwest Passage)
Iain Sinclair - London Orbital (Inculte)
Alejandra Pizarnik - Newspaper (José Corti)
Hilda Doolittle - For the Love of Freud (Women )
Alan Pauls - History of Hair (Bourgois)
Don DeLillo - Omega Point (Actes Sud)
Ralf Marsault - Resistance to fading (Press of the real)
Laëtitia Donval - Nerves (photo) (self-published 170 copies)
Pauline Kael - U.S. Chronicles / Chronicles European (Sonatine)
Jim Dodge - Bird Canadèche (Cambourakis)
Roberto Bolaño - Le 3ème Reich (Bourgois)
Antoine de Baecque - Jean-Luc Godard, Biographie (Grasset)
Marilyn Monroe - Excerpt (Seuil)
Ishiuchi Miyako - Sweet Home Yokosuka (Photo) (PPP Editions)
Mireille Havet: heroin, cocaine! s'avance la Nuit (Claire Paulhan)
Familiar Feeling - Boston group on it (Xunta de Galicia)
James Agee: there Brooklyn (Bourgois) / reads a nouveau monde d'Vagabond (Capricci)
Reinhard Jirgl - Renegat (Quidam)
Susan Sontag - Rebirth (Bourgois)
Alex Ross - the rest is noise (Actes Sud)
Lestrade - Chronicles Dance floor (the publisher singular)
Narboni Jean - Why hairdressers? (Capricci)
Charles Burns - Toxic (X'd out / Cornelius)
Dulce equis negra (No. 10; photo journal published in Argentine absolutely crazy)
Bruce Davidson - Inside / Outside (Steidl) (photo )
Julio Cortazar - Autumn Twilight, poetry (José Corti)
Roberto Arlt: The 7 crazy (Belfond) / etchings of Buenos Aires (Asphalt)
Leonor Fini / Andre Pieyre of Mandiargues - The shadow, correspondence (Walker) Hedi Kaddour
- Savoir vivre (Gallimard)
Guerra - posing nude in Havana (Stock)
Franck Smith - Guantanamo (Threshold)
Jean Genet - The Sentence (Gallimard)
Studs Terkel - Races (oral histories of an American obsession) (Amsterdam)
Doug Rickard - A New American Picture (Schaden White Press: BAL) (photo)
Mick Brown - Phil Spector The wall of sound (Sonatine)
Michael Boehlke & Henryk Gericke-Too much Future (Allia)
Bret Easton Ellis - Imperial bedrooms (Robert Laffont)
Raymond Carver - Beginners (L'Olivier)
Rudolph Wurlitzer - Zebulon (Bourgois)

Sunday, December 26, 2010 South Park Virus


"Going forward, break it, admit nothing, deny everything and destroy that even remotely threatens one second independence, these are my laws. This is not a policy of conciliation, is exactly a revolt. I will not eat your bread. I will be preposterous to the end. "

Mireille Havet, Journal 1927-1928:" Heroin, Cocaine! The night advances ... " Editions Claire Paulhan, 2010.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Vezon Et Kardas Build Instructions

A message to you, rude readers...

All of us, at D In D, We Wish You a Merry Christmas.

Washington Phillips - I am born to preach The Gospel
Homer Quincy Smith - I want Jesus to talk with me
-pix: Shelby Lee Adams, Leatherwood, Kentucky, 1992 -

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Model Like Denise Milani

The Paris Review Interviews

Enjoying a short break between two chapters (we'll talk maybe, hopefully, next year), I go back to turkey. Via the Internet, as so often, this library I never tire of the incredible depth of infinite shelf. This fall, a new section of the gallery, which opened periodicals.

I mentioned my love of old newspapers and archives (I'm the kind of guy who, after seeing The Gates of Paradise, will search the archives of the New York Times the Article evoking the "War of Wyoming," which inspired the mural Cimino). I could detail my example drifts among the items of vintage Time Magazine, which are all online , and free for some years (from 1923 to 2010: we find, for example here that the massacre of St. Valentine, one of the highest (ME) is Al Capone), or the library of Life Magazine, which covers in black and white teen made me dream to clear the strong line Floc'h (but whose site is now absolutely hideous, and requires research to systematically filter does not end up with miles of uninteresting photos red carpet of the 2000s).

is the opening of an incredible treasure I am talking about: the posting of all interviews the Paris Review this magazine founded by George Plimpton among others when drifting in Paris with expatriate Alexander Trocchi the early 1950s. Most large plumes of Western literature it is delivered in a theatrical format rather unusual, and it is a constantly renewed pleasure of jumping out of a Burroughs of 1965, more Harvard junk than ever, Hemingway described by Plimpton in the middle of a mess where the writings of Napoleon's Russian campaign on the side with mechanical toys, a small tortoise metal " and a small model of a biplane in the U.S. Navy (with a wheel missing) ", through a Houellebecq and Crumb all lately, and Borges, Cocteau and and Ginsberg, and Mailer and Huxley, Nabokov and (and I have not even searched the decades 1970, 1980 and 1990 ...). There is enough here to spend hours in front of it, or exhaust all the ink in his printer, for those who see the reading on paper.