Friday, December 31, 2010

Wedding Sample Vote Of Thanks

Fragments 1943-1962 S. Burroughs, Blade Runner (a movie), 1979

The best way to expedite the corpse of 2010, it will still speak to you, with a breakthrough ahead of the first great book of 2011. A book in which obsessively returns to the word ... "Alligator." A rare book, written in 1979. A short novel by William Burroughs envisioned as a screenplay. His vision of what will be New York in 2014: A city under water, delivered to alligators and dealos, epidemics of smallpox, leprosy and cancer. The paranoia of some coming knocking on the door of the panic of others. Proliferation, everywhere. Its title alone is a dream: Blade Runner (a movie) . Ridley Scott will sting him for his film from 1983, adapted from another big paranoid Philip K. Dick. This expression of Blade Runner, Burroughs had himself borrowed, and with it some situations, an author of science fiction needy but honest, Alan E. Nourse. This novel SF Station 1974 signed Nourse, The Bladerunner , Burroughs was sampled, repeated, exaggerated, rewritten (cut-up, it will be seen more clearly on reading this book, never contamination was a technical writing by writing). He has injected some viral systems of choice, these bacilli are rotten juice language, the sharper and is yellowish. Say 33.
It has marked on the images of disaster, queers doors slide and doctors illegal, all sense of disorder of a civilization photographed in full collapse. There are mainly injected throughout his ruthless sense of humor. There is nothing that does more fear than laughter Burroughs. It strikes everywhere, constantly. It causes all sorts of exaggeration. It has something contaminated. I still do not know what a smile have alligators. It

Tristram who publish this text January 6 ... the ones who were baptized in 1992 their only voice cd writers the Alligators smiling. Everything fits. Do not think however that the publicity would the door blade is novel in French ... He had already been published once, in a translation of the great Sylvie Durastanti was inside a book group, handsome, most (but unfortunately exhausted in print), the Anthology Film invisible , edited by Jean-Michel Place, 1995 - we will speak of that one soon, I promise.
Meanwhile, a few leprosy and violence, ending the year in style - or start in the crash.

"Billy in the subway. Flooded tunnels of lower levels have become canals. The bulk of supplies from New York travels here by boat and by steam engines and trolleys to the next level. The stations are now lit by skylights markets reinforced glass. Their stingy light gray blends into the dark ink dark tunnels and canals. Here, light is a valuable resource that should be preserved and protected. A man lights his torch for a moment and shadows resemble all sides. He draws his pistol: "Hands off my light, crevures. "Gangs
sell a diesel electricity generated by smuggling generators subway. The competition is tight and gang warfare is permanent. Lower Manhattan is often without electricity. Dynamo torches are in high demand and sell for $ 200. Billy
through the stalls and futures markets for flowers. A pack of wild dogs tumbling of a dark tunnel. The sonic gun Billy the helpless and they piss on terror. The blade holder outpace the sprint and then stop a gondola. They give an address.
"It's my old hero of fourgueur. Deale it pop, now, what I said. "
carbide lamp on the prow of the gondola. Alligators sliding out of subway stations and sink into the dark water that crack shark fin ... Straight ahead, a light: a flare illuminates a private jetty. The dealer has dug a bunker by shooting down the walls of a number of counters and lavatories.
He shakes his head sadly with a hideous smile Italian ... "If it was the hero, blues and even pop ... but the B-23 ... I work! Barrez you, it would be better. "

William S. Burroughs, The blade holder (Blade Runner, a movie, Blue Wind Press 1979) translated by Bernard Sigaud, Tristram, 2011


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