Saturday, January 29, 2011

Arcade Alley Electronic Bowlwrcarde


The quote Budd Shulberg posted last week by Kari made me think that ...

"He was known by the nickname of Scarface and suggested an age that was rapidly becoming distant with his gray felt the suburbs and a large white scarf as a necktie.
The track was empty, with women and clients along to admire. Every night he honored, one after another, the dance floors of the city and touched each representation stipulated twenty pesos.
And every night this tide of sound, visual and entertaining that we won, and peaked graciously took off on something called Conga and which consisted of a parade where everyone behind the other, clutching the sides of the front and that was tight Similarly by another human being, walked the runway in forming a large snake happy idiots who shouted "Conga, conga, conga" until the musicians had enough and put away their instruments. "

Juan Carlos Onetti, Then , translated from English by Albert Bensoussan, Gallimard, 1989.


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