Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Trick With The Cervix


"The Back Lot was An example of this noisy and jovial than most people imagine what Hollywood night. But apart from the presence, here and there, a famous head wave, it looked like any box of America . It was a montage of hot music, drunken laughter, jokes and thundering coaches like to soft candies in their envelope red, green or yellow. The music came down hard on the old melodies and helpless and writhing as curlers. It was, strictly speaking, a symphony of hunger, hunger for soul and stomach at a rate which the whole band of people beat up in a frenzy of despair, trying to forget the vagaries of his king: chance, too cruel or too good, forget the ambition, as a wound that becomes infected and cooking, or the hollow sound of success. And I realized, once again, how jazz music is real, how it reflects all the fuss that is in us, all this rage to live desires and foolish regrets "

Budd Schulberg - What Makes Sammy Run? 10/18 2005


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